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Shooting for a Good Cause...

Dear 'difference makers'

Just a short follow-up to our fund-raising Crimbo shoot


First a big thank you to all of you who were able to make it. I think the day went well and I hope you had lots of fun too.

It was a day of sharing (excluding Rhiannon and her McDonalds breakfast) and you were generous in bringing in extra food in the run-up and on the day. Also thanks to those who couldn't make it and still brought in some food and gave some money. As you know we take our place in the local community very seriously and this was a way of showing that.

We raised £227. I need to add £35 to this from Tony who very generously bid for the Prosecco box set that was the winning prize for the senior archer (will tell you that is in a minute). If you think about the food brought in then I reckon we have donated around £300. As you can see from the pic we were able to fill a trolley to the max with your generosity. I had planned to take a pic of all this plus what was left at the club but was daunted by the prospect and not sure my table at home could have taken it.

We brought a range things, from tins of fruit, toothpaste and brushes, shampoo, tea, coffee, and Christmassy things such as sweets, kids selection boxes, Christmas cakes. I will leave the receipt on the club noticeboard so she can see what was bought.

There were lots of people helping out but I do want to call out a couple if you don't mind for their help on the day and hope I don't offend anyone. Ken and Gareth for helping Dennis set up the course and after when we were stuffing our faces they were out sorting out the field again. Maree and Sally for all their help with teas, coffees and collecting money. Thanks to Sally and Mick for their baking which was really appreciated. John for taking lots of pics. Max for the amazing trophies - the envy of other clubs! And perhaps the biggest thank you to Den for sorting out the course and groups - so much work goes into making sure we have fun so on behalf of the club - thank you Den. I just know I have missed someone so please forgive me. Oh and I should mention that through his contacts Brian secured a £300 donation from a resourcing company called Streamline. That will be donated as money rather than food because the foodbank have bills to pay and is vital for their continued survival.

I have submitted a news release to the Romford Recorder and Archery GB so hopefully they may publish something but Brian will put something on our site too. And I will share the pics that John took when he shares them with me.

So back to the day itself. The rain stayed away and was mostly quite sunny, it was just the wind that made it a best testing but we are a tough bunch. There lots of wide-awake Christmas jumpers and hats although Allan misjudged the theme and came as a zombie (which he blamed on a hangover).

So whilst charity was the overall winner, we did have our own winners. And three of them scored over 400 points.

Senior winner: Richard; runner up Brian

Junior winner: Rhiannon and runner up Andrew

Best/worst jumper: Luke

Thank you again you lovely people, you are like the dysfunctional family I never had.


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